May 21Liked by Kate Mildenhall

Why do we, women who are mums & wives/partners, find it so difficult to permit ourselves to ‘go gently’?

Aren’t we always telling everyone else to take it easy and be kind to themselves (can I make you a cuppa/get you a blanket/bake some bikkies/give you a hug?)

Thanks for the reminder to step away sometimes & just ‘be’.

Life is hurtling past at an alarming pace, and if we don’t stop and enjoy it, what’s the point?


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Exactly all of this, Maggie! Hope you find time to gentle this week, wish I could bring you over a cuppa! xxx

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It must be a city-wide predicament because I've had the worst cold too, and besides eating oranges and pumpkin soup (I make mine with pineapple and chilli), I have also not been able to function much. Can't wait for tomorrow when I foresee this brain fog lifting. I hope you'll get well soon too!

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Definitely seems to be, hope you feel better very soon!! And omg - tell me more about pineapple and chilli pumpkin soup?!?!?!

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I'm glad to hear you're taking it easy for a spell Kate, before you leap into that amazing & wonderful list of festival appearances. It's so hard to stop when you're so driven to do all the things! I suppose going gently sometimes is part of the bigger picture. We can't do all the things from a place of burnout.

Speaking of all the things though, big congrats on 'To Stir with Love' -- a gorgeous cover, and there can never be enough picture books about lovely, lovely grandmas.

Also, just quickly, when you're besties with Olivia Coleman, can I hang out with you guys sometimes? Nobody loves a third wheel, but I'll bring corn chips and guacamole if that gets me in the door. I loved her recently in Wicked Little Letters, plus Broadchurch of course, not to mention Fleabag. Even when you probably shouldn't like her, you just can't help it.

Enjoy this time of rest and gentleness xx

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Jo, if we every get our moment with Coleman, your corn chips and guac will be essential x Haven't seen Wicked Little Letters, will find!! And thank you both on your gentle wishes and your congrats xxx

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I’ve got the cold and am loving the oranges too! New PB looks gorgeous! 🍰 🥄

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Oh feel better soon, Cassy!!! And thank you xx utterly thrilled to be joining you in kid lit world! xx

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You’ve said it to me before so let me bounce it back your way in case you need it from someone else: go gently, dear Kate. 💚

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thank you dearest Brooke xx And bouncing back to you also, as always xxx

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It’s that time of the year for hot lemon and honey drinks. My children were unwell last week and was surprised at how much I enjoyed a slower day at home together. Cooking, board games , books by the fire. I realised how busy we are all the time.

I loved the cover of your new children’s book, looking forward to reading it soon. Grandmas everything cake sounds fabulous

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